My hand-carved logo symbolizes the principle of cooltiger ltd. Every creative work starts with basic analog tools―the hands.
—Eiko Nishida
Creative Director and Founder, cooltiger ltd.
cooltiger ltd.
location: 2-9-14-505, Mitakihonmachi, Nishiku, Hiroshima, Japan
date of foundation: August 1, 2005
capital: 3,000,000 JPY
Eiko Nishida
Born in Hiroshima in 1974. President and creative director, cooltiger ltd.
Eiko Nishida was born in Hiroshima, Japan, in 1974. She holds a Master's degree in Fine Arts from Hunter College in New York (2023) and a Bachelor's degree in Chemistry from a Japanese university (1997). Nishida worked as a coordinator for a bilingual newsletter in Japanese and English for a major hotel at a PR company in Tokyo before transitioning to graphic design. Since 2000, she has designed for various magazines in both languages and has pursued a freelance design career, undertaking a diverse range of “communication design” projects. These projects encompass not only visual design—such as newsletters, company brochures, and posters—but also include writing articles in Korean for Korean magazines about the design scene in Japan and organizing events that cater to clients' needs as well as her own original initiatives. Since 2004, Nishida has participated in numerous solo and group exhibitions and has attended international art fairs. From 2015 to 2019, she operated a rental kitchen space called 20T (nijyuttsubo), where approximately forty language- and communication-oriented events were regularly held.
—西田 栄子
有限会社クールタイガー 代表
1974年広島市生まれ。有限会社クールタイガー 代表/クリエイティブ・ディレクター
使用言語:日本語・英語・韓国語。2023年アメリカ ニューヨーク州立大学ハンター大学院にて修士課程修了(インスタレーション)。2000年よりデザイナーとしてフリーランス業務を始める。印刷物のデザイン、自社プロダクトの開発・製造・販売に加え、国内外の媒体への寄稿やイベント企画・運営、インバウンド事業コーディネーション、日本のデザインシーンについて韓国月刊誌『DESIGN』に寄稿など、広い意味でのデザイン「コミュニケーション・デザイン」業務に携わる。2015〜2019年には広島市内にレンタルキッチン20T(にじゅっつぼ)をオープンし、多言語を用いる自社イベントを合計約40回開催。多岐に渡るチャンネルでコミュニケーション・デザインに積極的に注力している。